Our team was founded on January 2018 by Alisson and Eduardo.
One of our first projects was @EduuRobot. It was initially designed to be a group admin bot on a group created by Eduardo. After some days, we saw that a group administration bot was a great idea, so we made the bot public for everyone.
After EduuRobot, we started many other projects, most of them open source. You can see some of these projects below.
Our team has already built many projects. Our GitHub repository hosts over 75 repositories. Here is a brief overview of some of our active projects:
Multipurpose bot for Telegram written in Python.
Telegram MTProto API framework for Python.
Multipurpose Python userbot for Telegram.
Telegram bot for playing the UNO cards game.
Python bot and library to search for music lyrics.
Telegram bot for searching Brazilian license plates.
Python module to search on DuckDuckGo.
You can contact us by sending an email to contact@amanoteam.com or joining our discussion at @AmanoChat.